"Odys'Sea" ... What's in a name ....

The name is (obviously) a word play on 'Odyssey' Homers epic poem about Odysseus roaming the seas for 10 years in an attempt to get back home to Ithaka after the Troyan War.

I have always been a fan of Greek Mythology, so it seemed fitting as we are planning to 'roam the seas' for several years ourself (but maybe not quite 10 years).

Also it seems to fit in with the name of our current sailboat 'Calypso', Calypso being the sea nymph that had fallen deeply in love with Odysseus and held him captive in the hope he would agree to become her husband.

My "Calypso" got her name from the fact that the sea 'held me captive' pretty much like the sea nymp Calypso did hold Odysseus captive...

About this website ...

The main reason for existance of this website is nothing more than personal use:
I wanted a place to keep track of the all the information we collected regarding a circumnavigation we plan, starting in July 2022.

So you will find a variety of links, books, ideas, boat designs. All this we found interesting for one reason or another.
I have tried to order these things a little but some things might fit in multiple categories in which I made an arbitrary decision.

A small word about the main topics: